We withdraw, with own means, textile waste of viscose coming from stocking factories, webbings, spinnings, textile laboratories. Initially the material comes subdivided based on its type. Successively the viscose textile waste, already selected, it comes packed with hydraulic press. Bales (MPS) come thus stocking in warehouse ready for the sale.
Viscose is a viscous organic liquid used to make rayon and cellophane. Viscose is becoming synonymous with rayon, a soft material commonly used in shirt, coats, jackets, and other outer wear. While viscose breathes like cotton and has a feel that is pleasing to the touch, there are some drawbacks. One of the disadvantages to textile products made with viscose rayon is that the items will wrinkle very easily, which may lead to steady maintenance. Another use of viscose is in the form of cellophane. The wood cellulose is treated with sodium hydroxide and then mixing the product with carbon disulfide, the resulting cellulose xanthe is dissolved into more sodium hydroxide. The product can then be ran through a spinning mechanism and out of a slit, resulting in the formation of the cellophane that can be used in the kitchen or as a clear wrap on plants, gift baskets, and other projects.